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Our Promise

    Family First Alert LLC began with a need. As CEO, Dan Taylor's mother was in need of a Medical Monitoring System, Dan began looking for services. He found that contracts were too common among services like Medical Monitoring and Home Security and Automation. In 2004 Family First Alert LLC became a company to care for and assist families in caring for loved ones and allowing the elderly to live on their own. Home Security and Automation became part of the Family First Alert's brand in 2014. This allows Family First Alert LLC to serve a larger spectrum. Not only can these services be paired together, but they help a wider variety of our clients. Families save money with our services and feel safe at home or away. 


   Family First Alert LLC believes that family is most important, and protecting those we love is our number one priority. From the very beginning, our goal was to do just that.  Many elderly folks are now living on a very fixed income and can't afford many of the things they really need. We have taken that into account with our pricing and take great pride in helping families and loved ones to have this needed service at a reasonable price.  We look forward to serving you and your family so you can live a safe and healthy life.


From our family to yours, 


The Taylor Family

Senior Yoga Class

Protect Your Loved Ones Today

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